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Winter Weather

This year, winter has been really crazy. There have been a lot of snowstorms and really cold weather all over Japan. That's why I want to talk about the difference between when it snows in Japan and when it snows in my hometown. I feel like at least in Tokyo, people in Japan are not as prepared for snow as people in my hometown. This makes sense, because it snows a lot in my hometown, but it doesn't snow much in Tokyo. Anyways, here are some of the differences that I noticed.

The biggest difference, is that in my hometown we have snow trucks. These are giant trucks that drive through the roads when it snows. They have big shovels on the front, which they use to scoop up all of the snow and push it to the side of the road. I have occasionally seen snow trucks in Japan, but I have not seen very many. They are also not as big as the ones in my hometown. After the snow trucks, we have salt trucks. These are big trucks that drive around and release a lot of salt onto the ground. The salt makes sure that the snow does not stick to the road. I don't know why, but salt melts snow. After the salt is poured on the road, most of the snow is gone. It also prevents future snow from piling up on the road. This makes it safer for cars.

The last thing that is different about Tokyo and my hometown during the snow is public transportation. In Tokyo, when it snows all of the public transportation stops, or is delayed for a long time. However, in the cities near my hometown, snow does not stop the buses or other public transportation. I am not from an area that has a lot of public transportation, so we don't have trains. So I'm not sure what happens in big cities that do have trains.

These are the main differences that I have noticed between snow days in Tokyo and snow days in my hometown.

