

> TOP>> JSランゲージブログ>> 英語のEmailをチェックします!




Today, I will show you all an example of a bad email with many mistakes. This email has many common mistakes that people make when sending professional emails in English. I have seen mistakes like these many times. I have put all of the mistakes in red, and I have written explanations in the footer. After the email with many mistakes and the explanation, I have written a proper email. The proper email has all the mistakes fixed and would be appropriate to send to a colleague.



I wanna*2 know if you can come in tomorrow from 8 am*3 instead of 10 am. We don’t*4 have enough people to work. Please reply me*5 . We need to know if you can work or not until*6 3 pm today. Since this is very important, response*7 as soon as you can. And*8 I wanna check your vacation days. You said you want*9 to take off 18-20*10 . Can*11 you make sure this information is right? 18-20 should be ok.





  1. This email does not have a proper greeting. There should always be a formal “Dear” in front of the person’s name. Also, if it is very professional email, it should include the first and last name of the receiver.
  2. You should never use slang such as “wanna” or “gonna” in professional emails. These are ok to use when messaging friends, but not appropriate for professional things.
  3. Make sure you use periods for “a.m.” If you forget them, it looks unprofessional.
  4. Try to avoid using apostrophes in professional emails. It is much better to write “do not” instead of “don’t”.
  5. This is missing “to”. We always reply “to” someone.
  6. Until is incorrect here. When we are talking about a deadline, we should use “by”.
  7. “Response” is a noun. The correct sentence would be using “respond”, which is a verb.
  8. For professional writing, we NEVER start a sentence with “and”, “so”, or “but”. Instead, use “also”, “thus”, and “however”. Also, since this is an introduction of a new topic, you should hit enter and start a new paragraph.
  9. This is reported speech, so the verb should be in the past tense.
  10. This is not specific enough. When talking about dates, you should say “the 18th-20th”.
  11. When making requests in emails, it is much more polite to use “could you” or “would you mind”.
  12. This is not a proper ending. There should be something such as “Regards,” or “Sincerely,” on the line above the name. Also, if it is very professional, the sender should also include their first and last name.


Dear Jack Smith,

I would like to know if you could come in tomorrow from 8 a.m. instead of 10 a.m. We do not have enough people to work. Please reply to me. We need to know whether you are able to work or not by 3 p.m. today. Since this is very important, please respond as soon as you can.
Also, I would like to check your vacation days. You said you wanted to take of the 18th-20th. Could you please confirm this information? The 18th-20th should be ok.


Stephanie Miller





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