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U.S presidential election


Today I would like to write about something that the whole world is talking about: the U.S presidential election. Something happened this month that most people thought would never happen. Donald Trump became the president of the United States. I had hoped that Hillary Clinton would win, but sadly she did not. More people voted for her. She won 59.4 million votes while Donald Trump won 59.2 million. However, the government in the U.S uses a different system to elect the president officially. This is called the Electoral College.

Each state gets a number of representatives that vote for the state. The number of these special voters depends on the population of the state. States with big populations, such as California, have more people in the Electoral College than in states with small populations, such as Alaska. A president must get 270 Electoral College votes to win the election.

There are many protests going on in the U.S, because many people are scared of what Donald Trump will do as a president. I think the result of this election shows how the world needs to change from now on, not just in the U.S. Recently, countries are becoming very nationalistic. People are becoming scared of foreigners in many countries and want to close borders. They are becoming intolerant of people who think different than them.

I think everyone around the world needs to become a little more open-minded. There are many people who think different from you, but you can learn a lot from those people. We should spread more acceptance and love for everyone, regardless of their race or gender. In this uncertain time, let’s all try to be kind to others! Hopefully everything will get better.

