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Today I would like to talk about bucket lists. If you don’t know, a bucket list is a list you make that includes all the things you want to do before you die. I think bucket lists are great and everyone should have one. It helps you stay motivated and gives you something to look forward to. Also, if you finish your bucket list, you can always add more things!

Some things on my bucket list are: I want to travel to every country in Europe and Asia, I want to learn Japanese fluently, I want to go skydiving, and I want to have a family. Hopefully I can accomplish all of these things in my lifetime. Since I have a bucket list, I am more motivated to try hard in my life. I want to learn Japanese fluently, so I moved to Japan. I want to travel to every country in Europe and Asia, so I am trying to save money. I have only been to two countries (Japan and Korea) so far, so this is my next goal.

In Japan, I feel like everyone really focuses on going to a good school and finding a good job, so sometimes people forget to enjoy their lives. They just want to make money so they can live comfortably. Maybe it’s changing with the younger generation. In the U.S., older people focus on work and don’t have many ambitions but millennials, who are people born from the early 1980s – around 2000, are more likely to travel and experience the world.

I am a millennial, so I have the same thinking as many millennials do; we should try to see as much as we can of the world in our lifetime. The world is a big place and there are so many interesting things to see, so we shouldn’t worry so much about work and money, but we should try to live a very full life. I think every one of you should try making a bucket list. What would be on your bucket list?

