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By Ghedoghedo - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0

2017 discoveries

For this week's blog, I would like to write about some of the new discoveries that happened in 2017. In 2017, in the science world, we learned many new things. I recently read an article about these new discoveries, and I thought they were very interesting. I thought I would share some of these things with you.

The first new discovery is my favorite, because it is a dinosaur. For those of you who don't know, I love dinosaurs. It is commonly accepted that birds are descendants of dinosaurs. This year, this theory was given even more support by the finding of a very bird-like dinosaur in Mongolia. This new dinosaur has been named Halszkaraptor. It's neck is very similar to a swan's. The neck consists of 50% of the length of the dinosaur. This dinosaur seems to be the first non-avian (not able to fly) dinosaur that was able to move freely on land or in the water. This was a huge discovery for paleontologists (dinosaur scientists).

The next discovery I want to talk about is a new continent. The continent of Zealandia was discovered this year. Zealandia is the land that is underwater, but connected to New Zealand. Science shows that the land used to be above water and had lots of plant and animal life. This is why some scientists think it should be counted among the seven other continents.

The last discovery I thought was really interesting is that NASA found seven planets in another solar system that seem to be able to support life. Six out of seven planets resemble Earth, as they are rocky planets. The planets have a good temperature for living things. They are not too hot or too cold. These planets are close enough that NASA will be able to study them more in the future.

These were my favorite discoveries of 2017. Did you hear of any discoveries?

