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English in Japan

Today I would like to talk about how English is learned in foreign countries. Something I have always found very interesting about Japan is that everyone has to study English, but many people cannot speak English. At first, I did not know why this was. Then I went to high school in Japan for a couple of months. During this time, I sat in on all of the classes and was able to realize why.

In Japanese schools, most students never practice speaking. I think Japan focuses too much on passing tests such as TOEFL and doesn't focus enough on communication. Most students only studied grammar and vocabulary and barely spoke in classes. This is the worst way to learn a language in my opinion. Speaking is the most important thing I believe. I was shocked when in most classes in high school, the students only listened to what the teacher said. There was no discussion and no presentations. There were only worksheets and tests.

When I studied Spanish in high school, we were required to speak in every class. It was part of our grade. We also had presentations every couple of months in Spanish. There was always some kind of speaking grade for every class. This was very good for the students. I learned a lot more Spanish by speaking it a lot. We also had to watch short videos in Spanish, like a mini-TV series. It was interesting and we were able to enjoy learning by watching TV.

I think Japan should implement these kinds of learning activities into the English curriculum. If students watch shows or movies in English (without subtitles) and also have to practice speaking I think they will become much better English speakers.

