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Abbreviations in text messaging

Hello! Today I would like to talk about some common abbreviations we use in text messaging. This is very helpful because many young native English speakers use these phrases and abbreviations when they are messaging their friends. If you know what they mean, you can also sound like a native!

The most commonly used abbreviation is “lol”. This means “laughing out loud”. It is the same as using “w” in Japanese. Many young people use lol quite frequently in their text messages, even if something isn’t very funny. It is like a period to some people.

Another common abbreviation is “omg”, which means “oh my God”. This is used to show surprise or when something big happens. An example would be “omg I forgot to do my homework for class today”. It could be compared to “yabai” in Japanese. They don’t have the same meaning but can be used in similar cases.

One more abbreviation is “brb”. This means “be right back”. If you are having a conversation with someone and you have to take a break to do something else, you can tell them “brb” and they will know to wait for your message and that you aren’t ignoring them.

An abbreviation I use a lot would be “idk”. This means “I don’t know”. This is another very commonly used abbreviation. For example if someone asks, “Where do you want to eat for lunch?” I can reply “idk you can choose” in the text message.

I think these four abbreviations are very good to know if you want to message your friends casually. Remember, this is very casual language so you should never message a boss or someone you’re not close to like this! Most native English speakers use these abbreviations on a daily basis.

